Does hydrocephalus have a cure?

Does hydrocephalus have a cure?
Does hydrocephalus have a cure?

Does hydrocephalus have a cure? : Friends Hydrocephalus means large amount of fluid in the head. The cavity inside the brain is called the ventricular system. The fluid in and around the brain is called cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). As the volume and pressure of this fluid increase, the ventricles dilate, so the head also becomes larger.

As the skull bones harden, the enlarged ventricles and the brain between the skull bones exert pressure and reduce its function. This disease is very common in children. This slows down the growth of the child. Cerebrospinal fluid is produced from blood in the cerebral arteries. It circulates through the cardiovascular system and the subarachnoid space around the brain and spinal cord and mixes with blood in the venous sinuses of the skull. Friends, does hydrocephalus have a cure? In this article, we will tell you about it in detail, along with the reasons and remedies for hydrocephalus.

Does hydrocephalus have a cure?

Friends, due to this disease the size of the head increases. In congenital hydrocephalus, the mother has difficulty in delivery due to the large head. The head usually begins to grow soon after birth. If head growth lasts for a year, it is not due to a birth defect.

Causes of hydrocephalus – Does hydrocephalus have a cure?

Friends, there are three reasons for this disease:

  1. excessive fluid production
  2. obstruction of fluid circulation and
  3. Inadequate, irregular absorption of fluids

The pressure of the fluid increases in the obstructed hydrostatic head. Whereas in superfluid its pressure does not increase due to insufficient absorption of the liquid. Generally, the amount of resistant overgrowth is highest.

The causes of obstructive hydrocephalus are as follows:

  1. Congenital malformation of the bones of the skull or of the neck or lumbar spine
  2. meningitis or encephalitis
  3. cancer, pus, or blood tumors in the brain
  4. Intracranial hemorrhage and brain damage due to head injury at birth.

The increase in head circumference due to the normal growth of a child is shown in the table below.

Growth of head circumference in children at different ages
age (in months)increase every monthhead circumference
0-3 months1.50 cm35.60 cm
3-6 months1.00 cm38.60 cm
6-9 months0.60 cm40.06 cm
9-12 months0.40 cm41.80 cm
12-18 months0.25 cm43.05 cm
18-24 months0.13 cm44.10 cm
24-36 months0.60 cm45.10 cm

Along with being enlarged, the head also looks small and awkward and the veins on the forehead and scalp appear swollen. The face looks small and the child cannot look up. The eyelashes rest like the setting sun in the lower part of the eyelids. A child’s development slows down and hence it takes time to learn to see, play, laugh, lift the head, sit, etc. Seizures are sometimes present, frequent examination and measurement of the head facilitate the diagnosis.

Measures to cure hydrocephalus

Physical and mental examination of the child, note of congenital malformation and fundus examination are essential diagnostic tests. Unambiguous diagnosis is possible by examination of blood from subdura mater, examination of cerebrospinal fluid obtained from the lumbar region, X-ray imaging of the skull, ventriculography or pneumoencephalography or CAT scan.

Several measures are taken to reduce the volume and pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid; For example, drainage of excess fluid through lumbar and head puncture, hypertonic glucose, sucrose, or mannitol given intravenously, or medicated glycerin or acetazolamide orally. A shunt with a valve or a valve and pump is surgically placed in persistent hydrocephalus.

The conjunctival tubes connect the ventricles to the atrium or peritoneal cavity of the heart. The names of the different types of valves are:

  1. Spitz Holter Valve (US)
  2. Prof. Upadhyay Valva (India)
  3. Dr. Hakeem Valve (USA)
  4. Pudens-Hairvalve (USA)
  5. Acuflorent Valve (USA)

The treatment process is generally not satisfactory. The child’s physical and mental development is stunted and life expectancy is reduced.


Friends, in this article, Does hydrocephalus have a cure? Explained in detail about Does hydrocephalus have a cure? If you liked this article, then you can share further. Thank you.

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